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4 Foods That Will Help Skinny Guys Put On Muscle Mass



While a majority of us are always concerned about losing weight, there are people who are looking to put on a few kilos. People who are genetically ectomorphs usually have a tough time gaining weight and putting on muscle mass. After spending some time in the gym, they fall prey to 'desi' gym trainers who drive them into using mass gainers and eventually steroids. To gain weight, all you need is a well-structured diet with a few high-calorie foods. Below are 4 such foods.

1)    Rice

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 The most easily accessible food on the list and can be prepared without any hassles at home. Also, it's not necessary to consume only brown rice, even white is fine. The only major difference between the two is the fibre content, which is high in brown rice. Rice takes only around 15 minutes to be cooked. One cup of cooked rice is around 150 grams and provides around 40 grams of carbs yielding around 180 calories. Such a high percentage of carbs and high calories make rice a perfect food for anyone who wants to gain weight.

2)    Nuts (Nut Butter)

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Nuts are dense in calories and come in handy as an 'anytime snack'. You can carry them easily with you in a small container and they have a very long shelf life. The best part about nuts is that they provide you all the three macros- Fats, Carbs and protein. Fats in nuts are the essential fats that your body needs to obtain from outside sources. Nut Butter like peanut butter and almond butter are also a good choice to include in your diet but don't overdo them. The only thing to keep in mind is that nut butter should be preferably free from artificial flavours and sugars.

3)    Starchy Vegetables and Carbs

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The quality of starchy vegetables is that they are calorie dense. The primary motive for anyone who is looking to gain weight is to increase the daily calorie intake. For this, you need to include as much calorie dense food as possible. Starchy vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, legumes, oats, corn etc are high in calories. You should include a combination of these items in your everyday meal plan.

4)    Cheese

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Since seventy percent of all the cheese is fat, this makes it a high-calorie food. Another advantage of cheese is that it has good taste and can be added to a variety of dishes. Fat has 9 calories per gram which is more than one gram of carb and one gram of protein taken together. Therefore, including a small amount of cheese in your diet is a smart move if you want to increase your caloric intake.


You don't need to spend a fortune to gain weight. Your primary target should be to increase your daily caloric intake and enter a surplus zone. Neither should you have a high protein diet. Concentrate on a moderate protein, moderate fat and high carb diet. Effort should be made to avoid carbs that are artificially flavored and processed.


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