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Bengaluru’s Niharika NM Decodes The Life Of An Indian Comedian Getting Instant Fame



As one of the fastest growing content creators on Instagram, Niharika NM completed an amazing feat of touching one million followers in just two months. Doing pretty well for herself 100k followers on 17 October 2020, her ascension to 10 lakh people watching her hilarious videos online was achieved on 17 December 2020.

We got in touch with the girl that’s going viral all over the country to know more about her life.

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What is it that you're doing that's making people relate to you so much? 

I just think I put into words or skits the experiences or situations that we’ve all had or been in at  some point of time. Talking about the little things that we don’t really give too much thought to, but  definitely go through makes people connect with me and my content. I also make sure to have the  same energy online and offline as well because it’s just easier to be authentically myself.  

What does the life of a fast growing social media presence look like?

I guess I tend to feel a little intimidated for sure because I genuinely want to put out content that my  audience would love because they support me so much and sometimes I just tend to get a little  worried that I might disappoint them. But I’m also aware that their reaction is out of my control so I  do what I can to the best of my ability to make content that I personally enjoy. 

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How difficult is it to juggle between MBA in the US and creating content at the same time? 

It definitely does get extremely challenging sometimes because I’m trying to balance two  completely different things that require me to function in two different time zones. I don’t think I’ve  slept for more than 4 hours a day in the last two months but that’s only because I’m so excited to be up and working that I can’t even complain about it.  

Do you feel the "writer's block"? How do you get over it? 

I most definitely feel the “writer’s block” from time to time but that’s exactly why I tend to make a  list of ideas in advance when I’m having a particularly creative day. But in the case that none of the  ideas on the list appeal to me either, I just reach out to my best friends or my family to find  inspiration because they're all a riot! 

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 Is there a pressure of creating content regularly? 

Yes and no. I’m absolutely aware that consistency is key and I’ve made the mistake of not being  consistent before and it got me nowhere. But, I also don’t force myself to make content if I’m not  feeling it on a particular day because quality trumps quantity anyway. 

Doing comedy is more difficult than most people imagine. It can have polarising responses.  Does that worry you sometimes?  

I recognise that I can’t be everybody’s cup of tea so I don’t try to bother myself with worry about  pandering to everyone. Comedy is so subjective that people are bound to have polarising opinions but I make sure to never confuse opinions with facts in order to not lose my sanity.  

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As an influence to millions, do you feel a sense of responsibility towards your followers?

As Spider-man said “With great power comes great responsibility” and sometimes I do feel a little  overwhelmed but you live and you learn. I definitely do want to set a good example for the people  who love and support me and I make a conscious effort to do so everyday. 

Does instant fame come with drawbacks?  

Well, I think when you get too much attention too quickly people tend to throw their opinions at you ignoring the fact that you’re an actual person with actual feelings which can get a little  overwhelming at times because it’s easy to start basing your self-worth and self-confidence on other  people’s opinions. But I check myself real quick when I do go down that rabbit hole.

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