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5 Golden Rules Of Shaving Every Man Needs To Follow To Prevent Razor Burns



A well-shaved face is the mark of a true gentleman. Shaving is an art in itself, we believe, and if you do it right, there's nothing classier than a clean shaved man. But every art-form has its struggles, and shaving comes with its own set of problems too. Improper shaving can cause a lot of issues, the most annoying being razor burns. 

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Razor burns not only look bad but their counterpart, the razor bumps that follow, itch like crazy and leave a trail of redness. But there's nothing some extra care and proper shaving technique can't battle. Follow these golden rules of shaving to bid adieu to those nasty razor burns:   

1. Prep Your Skin 

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To get a good shave, the best time to do it is after a hot shower. The steam softens your skin and facial hair. Steam also opens up pores in your skin which help in reducing ingrown hair, which cause razor-burns. 

Using a conditioner on your facial hair helps soften it even more, making way for smooth AF skin post shaving.  Also, exfoliation is necessary so that you have a clean, smooth surface to work with. It also helps get rid of teeny-tiny hair that clogs the pores and results in razor-burns. 

2. Shave Along The Direction Of Hair-Growth 

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Most men usually shave against the direction of hair-growth. You get a close shave indeed, but you also risk cutting up your face and causing razor burn. Shaving with the grain will reduce the chances of irritation and won't cause razor bumps and ingrown hair. Don't forget to lather up your shaving cream well. A simple step that'll just take just five extra minutes, can do wonders for your shaving routine. 

3. Clean Your Razor Blade With Alcohol 

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Razor burn and skin irritation, result from bacteria on your shaving blade. Wipe down your razor blade using some rubbing alcohol pre-shaving. Commonly available at several drugstores, rubbing alcohol is the important hygiene step your shaving routine lacks in. Bonus advice, if you didn't know already, cleaning your blade after every stroke is super important as it helps to make a clean cut and prevents chafing. 

4. Towel Dry Shaving Brush & Razor Post-Shave 

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Dry off your razor blade with a clean towel. This way, your blades won't go dull super quick and will last longer. Wet shaving brushes can house bacteria, which will end up on your face and cause acne, irritation and razor bumps. Clean your brushes well and hang them to air-dry every time you shave.   

5.  Apply A Shaving Balm Or Moisturizer 

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You might have used an aftershave all your life, but it does not provide your skin with the moisture it needs.  Aftershaves can actually add to the irritation your skin is facing for a few of you out there. Shaving dries out your skin, and what you need is a shaving balm or an aloe vera-based cream/gel. It'll help reduce the redness and help your skin retain its moisture. 

Voila! Keep these golden rules in mind the next time you shave to achieve that buttery smooth skin texture that women love. 


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