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5 Times Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy Showed His Obsession With Attention To Detail



It has been eight years since The Dark Knight Rises - the final chapter of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy - was released, bringing one of the finest superhero series to an end with audiences begging for more.

And even though Marvel Studios have taken over the genre ever since, no trilogy gets even close to what Nolan and Christian Bale created between 2005 and 2012 (Captain America trilogy is a distant second, though).

We have talked about some of the films’ major points like great villains, cinematography and script-writing that made them so phenomenal, in the past. But rewatching the masterpieces brings out a lot of tiny and interesting details even today.

Here are five things Christopher Nolan did in the Batman Trilogy that prove his obsession with attention to detail: 

1. Harvey Dent Entering Maroni’s Car

5 Times Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy Showed His Obsession With Attention To Detail © Warner Bros

Let’s start with one of the most mind-boggling ‘attention to detail’ tasks Nolan did while shooting the second installment of the series, The Dark Knight. In the scene, Harvey ‘Two Face’ Dent plans to kill Gotham’s mob boss Sal Maroni inside his car.

5 Times Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy Showed His Obsession With Attention To Detail © Warner Bros

5 Times Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy Showed His Obsession With Attention To Detail © Warner Bros

Instead of showing Dent unrealistically waiting for Falcone inside his own car, Nolan manages to show Dent knock out one of Maroni’s thugs at the extreme left corner of the screen for less than a second and then Harvey can be seen entering the car in the rear-view mirror.

Check out the complete scene here:

2. Sharp Glass Joker Used In The Police Station

5 Times Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy Showed His Obsession With Attention To Detail © Warner Bros

Ever wondered how the Joker managed to get hold of a glass shard, point it at one of the police officers’ neck and get his phone call which led to the death of Rachel Dawes? 

Nolan ensured that the scene maintained continuity and he did so by showing Batman lose his cool and slam the Joker against the glass window with sharp pieces of glass falling right next to him.

Check out the scene here: 

3. Bane Mirrors Batman’s Fighting Style

When Batman fights Bane for the first time, he’s absolutely dominated and literally gets his back broken too. Surprised by how Bane knows all his tricks and could read his next move, Bruce starts throwing his punches wildly. During the fight, Bane says: “You fight like a younger man, with nothing held back. Admirable but mistaken.”

Later in the film when Batman returns to Gotham and breaks Bane’s mask during a fist fight, a surprised and desperate Bane fights the same way, trying to knock out his enemy with one punch, smashing the pillar that came in his way and Batman finally gets the upper hand.

4. Bruce Wayne’s Scar On Left Hand

After getting the better of Scarecrow in the first scene of The Dark Knight, Bruce returns to his batcave where Alfred stitches a wound he incurred on his left upper arm due to a “big dog” bite.

To maintain continuity in the next film, Nolan ensures that the scar still shows in the next movie when Bruce is wearing a black half-sleeve T-shirt.

6. Joker Keeps The Gun’s Hammer Locked

5 Times Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy Showed His Obsession With Attention To Detail © Warner Bros

The hospital scene in which Joker brainwashes Harvey Dent to become Two-Face, at one point, Joker dares Harvey to choose whether he lives or dies. He asks Harvey to flip the coin and shoot him in the head if “chance” isn’t in his favour.

5 Times Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy Showed His Obsession With Attention To Detail © Warner Bros

The Joker puts Harvey’s hands on the trigger of the gun and places the barrel on his own forehead. What Harvey as well as the audience failed to see is that the Joker keeps the hammer of the gun pulled which would make it impossible for Dent to press the trigger even if he wanted to.

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