It looks like Ranveer Singh is back in action. With upcoming movies which include '83 and films like Takht, Cirkus, and Jayeshbhai Jordar that are still in the production stage, the actor has definitely gone back to work. Amid the pandemic, the last 6-7 months were a kind of sabbatical for most of the actors as well.
View this post on InstagramHowever, now that Bollywood is back to work again, most celebrities have resumed going to the gym. This is a necessary step that helps them prepare for their upcoming roles. Whether it's losing the inches or gaining muscle, it really depends on the kind of role that they get. In Ranveer Singh's case, he gained muscle for his role in Simmba and also lost that weight for his role in Gully Boy as both were filmed simultaneously. Now that he has multiple films coming up, we wonder which body type he will be working towards.
© Viral Bhayani
© Viral Bhayani
But this is just workout wear, we can't wait to see Ranveer Singh's outfits for the promotion of his film '83. We know for a fact that he went all out with Gully Boy promotions, one can only imagine, which aesthetic he chooses with '83.
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