The Modi-led government has now brought all digital media platforms including the new media and online curated content providers under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Earlier, they used to come under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology while other media like print, television, and radio came under the I&B ministry.
A notification rolled out on 9th November issued by the Cabinet Secretariat announced all the changes regarding the Business Rules, 1961 which brought in all digital media platforms under the I&B ministry.
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According to an industry source official, “Earlier, there was no clarity over content aired by either digital news or video streaming platforms, but this brings more clarity.”
Media experts say that this could change the far-reaching effects of creative expression in India.
Earlier, the government officials had emphasized the need for a light-touch regulatory approach for OTT platforms. An I&B spokesperson said the move, a long time coming, was aimed at creating a ‘level playing field’ since all other media are regulated.
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Now, people have flooded the internet with memes and are telling how OTT platforms will look after the I&B starts regulating them. So, here you go-
imagine if #OTTPlatforms to be controlled by govt. Ridiculous
— Mahesh 🇮🇳 (@Prajapa40798665) November 12, 2020OTT is now under purview of Censor Board
Le Censor Board on every scene -#OTTPlatforms
Govt: We will now censor and control #OTTPlatforms.
Govt. Banned porn , banned pubg and
Now #OTTPlatforms take under rule and regulations
Singles be like :-
#OTTPlatforms #OTTPlatform to be brought under censor board .
*le MX Player and Ullu actors :
Censor board on every scenes..
Sensors will now be created for #OTTPlatforms.
Govt. To OTT : Kyun Hilaa Daala Na...
Me before govt Me after govt
restriction on restrictions on #OTTPlatforms #OTTPlatforms
OTT is now under of cencor board
Me after reading this news:
"OTT is now under purview of Censor Board ".
Meanwhile Netflix, Amazon, Hotstar & MXPlayer To CB:-
People on Twitter are mostly concerned as to how this will change the creative angle of the shows and how scenes will be cut and censored. What do you think? Let us know in the comments section below.
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