The story of Shikha Rani, a Special Olympics figure skater, is that of undying determination and the sheer will to do something good with one’s life despite the most challenging obstacles staring at you right in the face.
Born in Deoli, Himachal Pradesh, Shikha was found to be missing her fingers and toes and with facial distortions. She was also diagnosed with impaired speech and mild intellectual disability. In an interview with ESPN back in 2017, her mother, Suman Singh relived the days after she was born and how she had to fight everyone in her village (who thought that the family was cursed) just to keep her baby girl breathing.
"We didn't even know whether she would live or die. She wasn't even able to feed. I had to soak a piece of cotton in milk and squeeze the drops into her mouth," she’d said.
© City Women Magazine
"People told me not to waste our lives caring for her -- and that it was best to suffocate her. Another time a group came to our door and said they would take her and raise her. But they wanted to raise her as a beggar," she added.
The third daughter in the hierarchy of Suman Singh’s children, Shikha was known to be fearless and unafraid to venture into the unknown. From star-gazing in the Deoli farmlands for hours to representing her country in international tournaments on foreign soil including Austria in 2017, her valorous way of living has taken her on numerous adventures till date and hopefully continue to do so in the years to come.
Back when she was an infant, none of the so-called “medical professionals” truly understood what had happened to Shikha. They convinced her parents of humble beginnings that all of her problems will come to an end “on their own”.
© Special Olympics Bharat
Obviously, that wasn’t the case. Back when she was just six years old and her intellectual disability began to grow more prominent, it was decided that she’d be moved to Prem Ashram School in Una run by the Sisters of Charity. Her parents knew that the Ashram would be able to take care of their daughter far better than they ever could.
It was under Sister Rosamma’s care that Shikha learned to be independent and take care of herself and she loved every bit of it. A fan of old-school Bollywood songs, Shikha was encouraged to dance and play but it was the rush of being a sportsperson that she found to be the most fascinating.
She used to observe other children who’d put on a pair of skates and glide around a concrete surface. Her special needs trainer Ravi Kumar said that he’d notice her trying a couple of skates by her own and practice when nobody was watching.
© ESPN India
That was the day a dream was planted in Kumar’s mind, that maybe one day, his student would go on to represent the country at the Olympics, the Special Olympics World Games, a global competition held every two years.
She had seen one of her schoolmates, Prabha Kumari bring laurels for the nation back in 2011 at the World Games in Athens. Prabha had won two golds and a bronze and the day she came back to the Ashram, Shikha stuck to her like white on rice. She wanted to know everything about the experience of participating and winning.
Three years later, Special Olympics Bharat committed to sending more participants for the Winter Olympics, specifically ice skaters.
This was Shikha’s opportunity to realise the dream.
© ESPN India
Given her established reputation as a skater, Shikha was invited to New Delhi to train for a week. The slippery surface and blades replacing the wheels of her skates, it was as if she was learning to walk once again. The misshapen toes didn’t help in maintaining balance either but she moved on nonetheless.
It took her three more years before she could taste success in the new sport when she represented India at the prestigious Special Olympics World Games in Austria 2017.
Unfortunately, like other Special athletes, the lockdown has had a major impact on Shikha. Not just because of the harsh implications of isolation and break in normalcy for people with intellectual disabilities, but also due to the financial difficulties of her family which is struggling to stay afloat and unable to continue supporting the costs of her training.
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