Qualcomm is all set to launch their latest flagship processor for Android devices next year and it seems like it won’t be the fastest processor in the market. In fact, new benchmarks reveal that the Snapdragon 888 processor that will debut in flagship phones from next year can even beat Apple’s A13 Bionic chipset from 2019. Apple has already launched its new A14 Bionic chipset for the iPhone 12 Series which is currently the fastest chipset in the market. However, as revealed by renowned website Anandtech , it seems like Qualcomm has a major hurdle in front of them.
© Qualcomm
Anandtech reports:
“Today Qualcomm is disclosing a set of benchmark results for their new Snapdragon 888 SoC that's set to power next year's flagship Android devices. Usually, as in years past, we would have had opportunities to benchmark Qualcomm's reference designs ourselves during the chipset launch event, or a few weeks later during CES. However, due to obvious circumstances, this wasn't possible this year
As an alternative, Qualcomm is instead sharing with the press a set of benchmark results from their new Snapdragon 888 reference design phone. Usually, the point of having the press benchmark the devices themselves is that it adds independent verification of the benchmark scores. This time around we'll have to make a little leap of faith in the accuracy of Qualcomm's numbers – of course, we still pretty much expect the figures to be accurate and be reproduced in commercial devices.”
© Anandtech
From the graph, we can see the Snapdragon 888 is faster than its predecessor the S865 and 865+ chipset that can be found in smartphones like the OnePlus 8 Series, Xiaomi Mi 10 and other smartphones. However, from the benchmark results released by Qualcomm themselves, one can see that it doesn’t even beat either the A13 or A14 in benchmark scores.
© unsplash
If you are a gamer, the GPU benchmarks also work in favour of Apple. Qualcomm’s GFXBench Aztec scores revealed that the Snapdragon 888 chipset is slower than Apple’s budget-friendly phone the iPhone SE. The iPhone SE Als uses the A13 Bionic chipset where the report notes Apple as a clear winner in terms of peak performance. However, for sustained performance, the website notes it will depend on the chip’s power consumption which could lead to the Snapdragon 888 surpass Apple’s A14 chipset.
Source: Anandtech
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