Bollywood might have discovered him way too late, but the actor from Goalpara, Assam, had already made his name in theatre and owned independent cinema. Yes, we are talking about Adil Hussain. His journey as an entertainer began as a five-year-old when he did stand-up shows at home after watching comedians perform in the neighbourhood. He dreamt of becoming an actor like Amitabh Bachchan but his father was disapproving of his inclination towards acting.
View this post on InstagramAdil’s father wanted him to become a teacher but he followed his heart and acted in TV, Assamese films, on the streets and radio plays instead. He, then, joined the National School Of Drama, He knew his shortcomings in speaking Hindi so he worked hard in order to combat his weakness. Well, you have now seen him and it doesn’t feel like that at all.
He did face difficulties but he never glorified himself based on his struggles. There were days when he had to walk for kilometers to have a wholesome meal but it’s the hard work that is reflected in his acting. His show Delhi Crime just won the best drama series honour at the 48th International Emmy Awards. It won against Germany's Charité 2 Season 2, UK's Criminal UK, and Argentina's El Jardín de Bronce (The Bronze Garden) Season 2.
You might know of the amazing job he did in Delhi Crime but you also need to acknowledge his past work where he has proven that the length of the role doesn’t matter if your performance is impactful.
Here are six strong performance by Adil Hussain that you surely need to watch:
1. English VinglishIt might be a movie revolving around Sridevi’s character having issues as she didn’t have command over the English language. But, you cannot ignore Adil Hussain’s role as a husband who had stopped appreciating his wife completely. There’s a whole transition in him when he understands that he has been demotivating his wife all this while.
2. IshqiyaAdil already had a strong base in Assam but it was Ishqiya that catapulted him into Bollywood limelight. Despite a limited time on the screen, he managed to stand out while sharing screen space with actors like Naseeruddin Shah.
3. Life Of Pi© 20th Century Studios India
Adil as Santosh Patel was brilliant in the movie. Though the film was about the adventure of Pi, Adil made a statement as a strict and conservative father.
If you have seen the movie, you know it was a disturbing one as it showed Adil as a father who was somewhere forced to sell his daughter. He played the role of a debt-ridden farmer who has completely lost hope.
5. What Will People Say View this post on InstagramI recently stumbled across this hidden gem on Netflix and Adil’s performance as a conservative father will send shivers down your spine. He forced his daughter to a limit that she completely stopped trusting him.
6. Unfreedom© Unfreedom YouTube
The movie might have not clicked with the Indian audience but Adil’s role was surely one of the highlights of the movie. He plays the role of a father to a daughter who falls in love with a woman. He doesn’t approve of her daughter’s sexual preferences and is okay with the fact if a policeman rapes her. Adil nailed this disturbing role to the tee.
If you haven’t seen these movies, you surely are missing out on some great performances by Adil and we strongly recommend you watch these films at the first chance you get.
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